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Radiator Valves


CATEGORY: Accessories

Radiator Valves are used to regulate the temperature of your radiator or heated towel rail within the room and throughout the home. There are two main types of radiator valves - Straight and Angled.

Straight modern radiator valves have no bends or curves and simply connect the central heating with the radiator straight up from the floor horizontally. If your pipework running along the wall, straight into the radiator it would be the most appropriate choice to purchase a straight valve.

Angled modern radiator valves connect the radiator with the central heating pipework at an angle of 90 degrees. They are for use where the pipework comes out of the wall and will therefore need an angle to be able to fit into the radiators.

A) Straight
-Straight Chrome Traditional Valves for Radiators & Towel Rails (Pair)
-Straight Chrome Square Valves for Radiators & Towel Rails (Pair)
B) Angled
-Angled Chrome Traditional Valves for Radiators & Towel Rails (Pair)
-Angled Chrome Square Valves for Radiators & Towel Rails (Pair)
C) Corner
-Corner Chrome Valves for Radiators & Towel Rails Lockshield (Pair)

A) Straight
-Straight Chrome Thermostatic Valves for Radiators & Towel Rails (Pair)
B) Angled
-Angled Chrome Thermostatic Valves for Radiators & Towel Rails (Pair)
C) Corner
-Corner Chrome Lockshield Thermostatic Valves for Radiators & Towel Rails (Pair)